Seller Help

Our agents will do everything for you.

Placing information about your property in our and on the page will help you sell your home faster and more expensive.

Seller Help

If you ask, our qualified agents will do all the work for you on the publication of information about your property, as well as on the search for potential buyers and preliminary communication with them.

, and we will help you begin the sales process.

Before you begin, we will give you a detailed free consultation.

Filling the Seller Form

The Seller must first fill out a form in which information about his property is entered. The following video shows how to do this.

The transition to this form is carried out through the main menu:

Information about your property in the page and in our Blog

, and we will explain to you what benefits you will get. Payment for these services is made . You can also pay there the monthly subscription fee for the help of our agents in posting information about your property on our Website, their advice on the fastest, most profitable, and safest way to sell your property, as well as on other issues of interest to you.

Seller's Personal Area

In your Personal Area, you can see information about the real estate objects you filled out the Seller's form. You can also see messages for your potential buyers and see statistics of your property display in the search results on our Website, as well as statistics of transitions to the details page with detailed information about your property.

Answers to buyers' messages are carried out through their contact data, displayed in the table.

The following video shows the capabilities of the Seller's Personal Area:

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