International Listings: Phuket, Thailand


Lovely and beautiful place to own. Seafront living with affordable medical. One of the best retirement options overseas.

image12a1We have 117 properties for sale from $93K to $125K. For example, condo 1 bedroom sells for $93000 . The development is already completed. Buyers can just put down 20% ($18600 ) to buy a unit. They won’t have to pay a single cent until one year down the road depending on the package. A buyer can now buy the unit for $18600 and rent it out for $500 per month. At this price, the buyer would make around $6000 a year from the unit, before having to make even the first loan repayment. For the buyer, it helps to save on interest repayments, assuming buyer doesn’t need a loan for the initial down payment.










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