Do Open Houses Sell?

Real estate agents have long debated the value of open houses. Some sellers wonder if the Open House is worth the work and inconvenience.  Some even complain that agents only do open houses to pick up clients, not to sell their home. There are sellers who wonder why they should open their homes to the public if …

Millennials: Rent or Buy

Members of every generation exhibit unique qualities that set them apart from their parents and grandparents. Millennials value a lifestyle different from that of older generations. Millennials, who rent their home, move frequently; almost half have moved two or more times in the last three years. This transitivity could be one reason why most millennials …

What Buyers Should Know About Real Estate Open Houses

For the beginning, let’s ask ourselves – should we go to an open house or not? Like many buyers, you might have heard that attending open houses is a must when buying a house. Actually, there are some good benefits and reasons to do so. Firstly, open houses will tell you how strong the interest …